About us

The X-GoLP group is essentially the experimental team, which also performs computational simulation, from the Group for Lasers and Plasmas, one of the groups from Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). Our team is capable of executing laboratory experiments, which are focused on laser techniques and optical instruments, to promote the development of improved devices and alternative mechanisms for a more efficient study of laser and optical properties, as well as to test real evidence of theoretical models taken into consideration. This section also cooperates with the Extreme Plasma Physics (EPP) group, which deals with the theoretical investigation of Plasma and Laser Physics in nature.

As part of GoLP, we are committed to continuously “raising the bar” and to pursue GoLP’s mission.


GoLP mission statement

The activities of GoLP are focused on research and advanced training in Plasma Physics, Advanced Photonics and Advanced Computing, through (i) research in frontier questions, grounded on a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity, and international collaboration, (ii) the outstanding quality of our members, and (iii) the commitment to the scientific and technological development of Portugal and Europe. Our aim is to be recognized as one of the best research groups in our field through the reputation of our researchers, the quality of our students, and the successes of our alumni.

In our vision, GoLP (i) assumes a leading role in our fields, (ii) is a central hub for new ideas/approaches, exciting discoveries/developments; (iii) is a magnet for outstanding students, post-docs and researchers; (iv) provides an exciting research environment similar to the best; (v) sustains its scientific breakthroughs through a unique interplay between theory, simulation and experiments.



GoLP members @ GoLP Day 2014 in Castelo de São Jorge, Lisbon, December 15, 2014