ELI-ERIC Iberian Information Day
Read moreThe Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) and the Instituto Técnico de Lisboa in collaboration with the European infrastructure ELI-ERIC, through the Impulse Project, will celebrate on 12th of November a joint event to look for synergies among the two laser infrastructures and the European consortium in order to improve high-intensity lasers science to a future for development, innovation and education in this field.
The event will be online from 9 am to 1 pm (Lisbon time) and it will start with an introduction to the laser technologies and applications in ELI, followed by two sessions on innovation and education opportunities for Portugal and Spain.
We will post soon the final program with the confirmed speakers, so stay tuned!
We cordially invite you to participate in this First Introductory ELI ERIC Iberian Information Day, so please make your registration here.
October 26, 2021 -
Mukhtar Hussain successfully defends PhD thesis
Read moreMukhtar Hussain defended successfully his PhD thesis on October 20, 2021 and passed with Distinction. He was awarded a fellowship in the APPLAuSE doctoral program on Plasma Science and Engineering in 2016 and joined GoLP for his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marta Fajardo, and co-supervised by Dr. Gareth Williams (also IST) and Dr. Hamed Merdji (LIDYL, CEA-Saclay).During his PhD, Mukhtar used ultrashort laser pulses to investigate harmonic generation in solids. He studied the interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects in 2nd and 3rd harmonic generation in MgO and chromium-doped MgO, also showing that by introducing dopants into simple crystals the electronic structure can be shaped to tailor the non-linear optical response. He also investigated the nonlinear propagation effects of the ultrafast intense near-infrared pulses in a range of wide bandgap dielectrics, mapping the crystal response by measuring the polarization and ellipticity response of the harmonics.
During his secondment at the Laboratoire d’Optique Apliquée, France, he…
October 21, 2021 -
João MD explains instant ice formation in fact checking TV show
Read moreX-GoLP member João MD participated in a fact checking TV show last week to explain instant ice formation, a popular phenomenon in recent social media videos. In this news clip (in Portuguese), recorded in the laboratory of experimental physics at Técnico, João MD shows that this is a common and well understood phenomenon.
July 20, 2021 -
Marta F appointed as member of the ISTAC of ELI ERIC
Read moreOn June 16, the General Assembly of the Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ELI ERIC) appointed X-GoLP member Marta F as member of its International Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) for a period of three years. The ISTAC members appointed by the General Assembly are high-level personalities internationally recognized for their scientific and technical expertise in the scientific and technical fields relevant to ELI ERIC, and/or for their management of scientific organizations and international user research infrastructures. The criteria for selection included an interdisciplinary mix of scientific and technical experience, institutional balance, diversity of background and gender, and previous experience with ELI.
The purpose of the ISTAC of ELI ERIC is to advise the ELI ERIC General Assembly and the Director General on scientific and technical issues that bear on the quality and the full and effective utilization of ELI facilities, as well as…
July 20, 2021 -
Work by Mario Galletti et al. featured on the cover of HPLSE
Read moreThe paper “Ultra-broadband near-IR NOPAs based on the nonlinear crystals BiBO and YCOB” by Mario Galletti et al. is featured on the cover of the latest issue of the journal High Power Laser Science and Engineering.
In this work, the GoLP/IPFN researchers from Universidade de Lisboa, in collaboration with colleagues from the Central Laser Facility, STFC, United Kingdom, consider two alternative crystals for both low- and high-energy, few-cycle optical parametric chirped pulse amplification: bismuth borate (BiBO) and yttrium calcium oxyborate (YCOB).
The experimental work was performed at IST Laboratory for Intense Lasers (L2I), where they developed a noncollinear optical parametric amplification (NOPA) setup seeded by a continuum pulse generated from a sapphire plate, operating in the near-infrared region, in order to test each crystal.
For a 5 mm YCOB crystal, they obtained an amplified bandwidth of 200 nm and a gain of ~100, and for a 2.5 mm BiBO crystal they obtained an amplified bandwidth of 240 nm…
January 8, 2021 -
Thomas Wodzinski successfully defends PhD thesis
Read moreThomas Wodzinski defended successfully his PhD thesis on October 14, 2020 and passed with Distinction. He was awarded a fellowship in the APPLAuSE doctoral program on Plasma Science and Engineering in 2015 and joined GoLP for his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marta Fajardo (IST) and Dr. Elke Plönjes-Palm (FLASH, DESY).
October 26, 2020 -
PhD thesis of Mario Galletti awarded top grade
Read moreMario Galletti defended successfully his PhD thesis on June 4, 2020, being awarded the top final grade of Approved with Distinction Cum Laude. During his PhD, Mario worked on different topics ranging from optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers, laser-matter interaction and laser and plasma diagnostics.
June 4, 2020 -
X-GoLP undergraduate research placements 2020
Read moreWe are opening a call for partial time Junior Research Placements (Estágios de Introdução à Investigação) for March – September 2020 (extendable). See details here.
February 10, 2020 -
Luís Braga defends thesis
Read moreLuís Braga defended successfully his MSc thesis on November 23, being awarded a final grade of 18/20.In his work, Luís evaluates the role of beam collimation at the input of a large aperture, single-pass grating compressor. The experimental setup investigated is the compressor at Vulcan’s laser Target Area West.An analytical model for space-time pulse propagation was developed, which adequately explains the influence of beam collimation on the observed pulse front tilt (PFT). Additionally, a new type of single-shot autocorrelator, capable of measuring pulse duration and PFT independently, was demonstrated.With this, a new mechanism for detecting and controlling the output PFT from a compressor was demonstrated. This work was a successful collaboration between our team at IST and the Vulcan team at the Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.Congratulations to all those involved, especially to Luís!
December 14, 2018 -
CPA inventors Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics
Read moreThe 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Arthur Ashkin for “optical tweezers and their application to biological systems” and to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for “their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses”. Mourou and Strickland invented the Chirped Pulse Amplification method (CPA) thirty year ago. The CPA method is used to amplify ultra-short laser pulses (from picosecond to femtosecond). The large spectral width of short pulse lasers is used to enlarge the duration of the pulses in a linear dispersive optical path (stretcher). The pulses become linearly chirped (with larger duration and lower power) and are amplified (gain energy) at a comparable lower intensity (below optical materials damage threshold). After the amplification is concluded the pulse (amplified and chirped) is most of the times moved into a vacuum chamber where a dispersive optical path removes the pulse chirp shortening it to almost its original duration….
October 2, 2018
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